Kemaren abis pelajaran kimia gua langsung cabut ke perpus. nekad banget gua-_- padahal abis itu pelajaran fisika wkwk. niatnya sih mau minjem buku Secret soalnya gua lagi baca buku itu dan itu gua juga minjem punya temen kakak gua tapi sayangnya kemaren kakak gua udah balik ke Bogor, jadi otomatis bukunya juga dibawa :'( huhu padahal belum selesai baca. Pas gua nyari di perpus tu buku...cari cari cari..erh gak dapet, ternyata pas gua nanya sama bu martha (pengurus perpus) katanya lagi dipinjem yeuuu. yaudah gua nyari aja buku lain yang kira-kira menarik untuk gua baca. terus gua menemukan buku yang satu ini.....
waktu gua buka..oooh ternyata kayak tentang buku lucu-lucuan orang Barat gitu deh
lumayan laah buat iseng-iseng dibaca pas lagi stres wkwk
kalo di internet sih bukunya kayak begini haha tapi sama aja (mungkin) isinya
okeey..gua akan mengungkapkan sedikit isi bukunya haha
Why does the baby duck walk softly?
Because it's a baby and it can't walk, hardly.
Why does a cow wear bell?
Its horns don't work
What did the baby porcupine say when it backed into the cactus?
Is that you, Mother?
Why does an elephant paint himself red?
So he can hide in a cherry tree
Have you ever seen an elephant in a cherry tree?
No. See how effective it is?
Why do elephants wear short pants?
You would too if you lived in that hot jungle.
Why do elephants wear sunglasses?
So that nobody will recognize them.
Have you heard about Will Knot?
He is so lazy
he signs his name
I bought a wooden whistle, but it wooden whistle.
I bought a steel whistle, but it steel wooden whistle.
So I bought a tin whistle.
And now I tin whistle!
After everyone was in bed the telephone rang.
"Is this one one one one?" the voice asked.
"No, this is eleven eleven."
"Are you sure this isn't one one one one?"
"Yes, I'm sure. This is eleven eleven."
"Well, sorry to have gotten you up."
"That's all right. I had to get up anyway. The phone was ringing."
Knock, knock!
Who's there?
Dishes who?
Dishes me. Who ish you?
Knock, knock!
Who's there?
Ahs who?
Ahs your new neighbor.
Knock, knock!
Who's there?
There is no answer
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